Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Boy Scout Fall Camporee

This week was the Fall Camporee for the Cherokee District of the Boy Scouts. We had a WONDERFUL weekend with the scouts. I have to admit...it was cold at night but the days were beautiful. Josh and I are getting ready to head to camp here.

Here is the camp site for Troop 2000. If your interested in scouting this is the troop to be in!!!!

Here is the gang from the Stag patrol cooking dinner. Yum....pizza and chili.

Cooking on the fire. So what's in the three Dutch ovens? Homemade peach cobbler, biscuits, and other goodies. There is nothing like eating camp food...delicious!

Here is the leadership of Troop 2000. What a great bunch of guys.


Scoutmaster Steve B. said...

Looks like a great place to go camping.
Also looks like you are a troop thats sure likes their food.

Steve B
Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC

Dr. Bob said...


Thanks for the comment. I really enjoyed your blog. Especially the section on thankfulness and your troop video. Nice work.

I am a part of troop 2000 here in Bartlesville. It's a great troop that does a lot of camping.

Keep in touch and I wish you the best in Scouting. Thanks for investing your life into such a worthwhile program!