Thursday, January 31, 2008

Let It Snow!

We had a lot of snow today and it's still coming down. It looks like we will end up with 6 to 8 inches of snow! It is beautiful.

One way to thaw out is to spend time at Doc Lacy's coffee shop on the OWU campus. This is a great place to get a snack and relax.

Joy is having a wonderful time in the snow.

Josh is getting ready for a snowball battle.

The snow makes everything look great!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Beautilful Bartlesville Morning

I took these pictures on the way to church this morning. It was just one of those mornings where everything looked beautiful. We had a heavy fog that coated everything with a thin layer of ice. The plants that you see on both sides of the red canoe are all covered with ice.

Even the horses were enjoying the morning. We went back to play with them when it warmed up today. The darkest one in the middle tried to eat the finger off my glove...they are really fun.

Here is another shot going down my driveway.

Here are large bales of hay with ice around them. This picture really shows how thick the fog was. You can barely see some of the hills in the background.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Scouts For Food Day

Today Troop 2000 and other Boy Scout Troops around the area collected food to be given to those who need it. Here is a picture of our troop getting ready to pick up the food.

As you can see, Boy Scout Troops in Bartlesville collected a lot of food to help others!

Here is another shot of the boys from Troop 2000 and Scoutmaster Steve!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Our Sound Guys

We have students all over campus who work to make OWU the wonderful place it is. Here are some of our sound guys working from the sound room in the chapel.

These guys take care of sound, video, and all the electronic stuff that makes our events int he chapel so much fun. Thanks guys!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Thank You Dinner

In December we had a group of students represent OWU at the Wesleyan Youth Conference called "Set Apart". There were about 6,000 young people at the conference that was held in Orlando, Florida.

Our traveling team of students did a wonderful job representing OWU and we are sure proud of them. Tonight we had a thank you dinner for them at President Piper's house. Marci (his wife) and her parents made the dinner and we just had a wonderful time together. Everyone you see in these pictures traveled to Orlando to help our admissions team.

Some of the guys loading up their plates...

Standing are President Piper and his wife, Marci.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

OWU Eagles Now 12-2

The OWU Eagles won again tonight beating Southwestern College. The team played a great game. Coach Donnie Bostwick is giving advice to the team in the last few minutes of the game.